Islamic Holidays
ALLAH [Subhanaa Wa Taala]
99 Names Of Allah S.W.T
Who Is A Muslim?
Gender Equality
Islamic Calendar
Islamic Holidays
Basic Needs Of Islam
The Purpose Of Praying To ALLAH S.W.T
Muslim Women
Religious & Historic Facts
Essential Dua's
Bed-Time Dua's
Protection Duas
Fulfillment Of Desires
Major Sins
Halal\Haram Foods
Masturbation [Haram]
Backbiting [Haram]
Shaitan [Haram]
Terrorism [Haram]
Irtidad [Haram]
Homosexuality [Haram]
Conspiracy Of Zionism [Haram]
Black Magic [Haram]
Valentine's day, Father's day, Mother's day [Haram]
Donation [Blood & Organs]
Masjid Rules
Azan & Takbeer
Salat, The Prayer
Ramadhan & Duas
Saalatul Janazah [Funeral Prayer]
Etiquettes Of Marriage And Wedding
Shame, Nudity & Purdah
Prophets [Messengers]
Malaa'Ikah [Angels]
Wali [Wilaayat]
Prophet Adam A.S
Prophet Idris A.S
Prophet Nuh A.S
Prophet Hud A.S
Prophet Salih A.S
Prophet Ibrahim A.S
Prophet Ismail A.S
Prophet Ishak A.S
Prophet Lut A.S
Prophet Ya'qub A.S
Prophet Shuaib A.S
Prophet Yusuf A.S
Prophet Ayoub A.S
Prophet Musa A.S
Prophet Harun A.S
Prophet Dhu'l-kifl A.S
Prophet Dawud A.S
Prophet Sulaiman A.S
Prophet Ilyas A.S
Prophet Al-Yasa A.S
Prophet Yunus A.S
Prophet Zakariyah A.S
Prophet Yahya A.S
Prophet Isa A.S
Prophet Muhammad [RASULLULAH] Salallah Alahiya Wasallam
Sunnahs of Prophet Muhammad 'Salallahu Alayhi Wasallam'
Prophet Muhammad S.A.W [Last Sermon]
Silsilah Of Nabi\Rasul
Miracles Of Rasullulah S.A.W
Prophet Muhammad S.A.W Wives
The Way Prophet Muhammad S.A.W Treated His Wives
Fatima Zahra Radiallahu Anha [The Perfect Lady]
Caliph [Khalifah]
Saiyadina Abu Bakr Siddique R.A.
Saiyadina Umar Ibn Al-Khattab R.A
Saiyadina Uthman Ibn Affan R.A.
Saiyadina Ali Ibn Abi Talib R.A
Awliyahs [Saints]
Shaykh Mohiyadeen Abdul Al Qadir Al Jilani [RA] [Ghousul A'lam]
Shaykh Khwaja Muinuddin Chishty [RA] [Sultan-Ul-Hind]
Sayings of Shaykh Khwaja Muinuddin Chishty [RA]
Shaykh Nizaamuddin Awliya Chishty [RA]
Shaykh Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki Chishty [RA]
Shaykh Ahmed ar Rifai [RA]
Aashura, Muharram, Karbala
HIstory Of Karbala
Zam Zam Water
Miracles Of Allah
Rasullulah [S.A.W]'s Sayings
Convert To Muslim
Barzakh [Grave]
Signs Of Qiyamah[Judgement]
Imam Mahdi
Return Of Prophet Isa A.S
Ya'jooj Ma'jooj
Day Of Judgement
Islamic Phrases
About Me

Islamic New Year - The First Day Of The New Year Of Islamic Calendar. Ashoora Day - After his arrival in Madinah in the year 623, Prophet Muhammad PBUH instituted fasting on the 10th of Muharram. A year later this fasting was replaced with the mandatory fasting in the month of Ramadhan. However, fasting on 'Ashoora' remained a voluntary fasting. Many Muslims fast on this day also. Isra'a and Miraj - Night of journey of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) from Makkah to Jerusalem and then his ascension to heavens occurred in the year 620 C.E. It is mentioned briefly in the Qur'an (Surah 17 and 53). The hadith literature gives much more details of this experience of the Prophet. First Day of Ramadhan - Ramadhan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. Muslims consider this whole month as a blessed month. They fast during the days of this month and make special prayers at night. People also give more charity and do extra righteous deeds. Also, in this Holy Month, The Prophet Muhammad received the first revelation of Al-Qur'an. Ramadhan is the month of celebration as well as the month of discipline and self-control. Muslims always wait for the first day of Ramadhan to come. Badr Battle - In the second year of the Hijra (2 a.h.) the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) made defensive preparations against an attack by the Meccan army that had come to invade the city of Medina. These Meccans came on 300 horses and 700 camels. The two armies met at Badr, a place some distance from Medina. The battle began in the morning hours of Friday, the 7th of Ramadaan. The Meccans suffered heavy losses. Seventy of them were killed and an equal number were taken prisoners. The Muslims lost only 14 men, although their army consisted of a small number of 313 men. Abu Jahl, one of the leaders of the army of the Quraish, and also one of the bitterest enemies of the Holy Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa sallam), was killed in this battle. The Muslims treated the prisoners very kindly. The rich among them were allowed to release themselves on payment of a ransom. Those who could read and write were told to purchase their freedom by teaching Muslim children how to read and write. Lailat Ul-Qadr - 'Lailat ul-Qadr' or 'Night of Power' a very important occasion in the history of Islam and in our personnel lives. As far as determining the Night of Power (Lailatul Qadr) is concerned, it has been reported to be during one of the odd numbered nights of the last ten days of Ramadan, i.e. 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th. It has been emphasized that it is most likely to be the 27th night. As far as the signs of Lailatul-Qadr are concerned: 1. The sun rises early in the morning without rays. 2. Rain may fall either during the night or during the day of that night. 3. During night the sky will be lightly foggy. 4. The sky will be slightly lighted without reflections and without rays. 5. The angels and Gabriel all descend down onto earth for many purposes. If you are interested in living the Night of Power, let me remind you of some of the things that you might have to do. 1. Try to observe it during the last ten days of Ramadan, at the time of sunrise, during the days and the nights. 2. On the nights one may spend the time collectively and/or individually observing the following activities: a. Recitation of the Our'an. b. Prayers-Nafl after Taraweeh. c. Remembrance of Allah or zikr d. Supplication or Du'a for you and for others. e. Pondering and contemplating into the universe, the creation of the Heavens and the Earth: "...and they contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heaven and the earth."(3:191) f. Reading books of Hadeeth so as to enjoy the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). g. Reading Tafseer of Qur'an. h. Giving charity to others if you can afford it. i. Trying to explain Islam, if you know something about it, to those next to you so they will benefit from you. Eidul Fitr - At the conclusion of the month of Ramadhan, on the first day of the 10th month of Islamic lunar calendar, Muslims all over the world celebrate Eidul Fitr. This is one of two main festivals of Islam. The ceremony of Eidul Fitr start early morning with a worship service. This service is generally held in a large open place and is attended by thousands of Muslims. After the prayer, a short sermon was delivered and then the people greet each other. The rest of the ceremonies are held generally privately with families and friends. The significance of Eid is that it is the day of thanksgiving to Allah that He gave the opportunity to Muslims to benefit from and enjoy the blessing of the month of Ramadhan. Hajj Days - Hajj, or pilgrimage to Mecca, the birthplace of prophet Mohammad and the City of prophet Ibrahim and the land of Adam when he recognized Allah and also the center of revelation of the Quran to mankind through his last messenger. The place of revelation of the law of the Creator, Quran, to all men at the House of people. It is mandatory for Muslims to perform this universal act of worshiping once in a life time. If one is able to do so. As it is mentioned in the Quran in Sura 3, Ayah 97: "And Men owe to Allah "pilgrimage to the House, those who can afford the journey." The laws of performing Hajj are mentioned in the Quran in ten places. Hajj or pilgrimage is performed in the month of Thw Al-Hajja or the twelfth month by all the Muslims regardless of their nationality or race. It presents unity and justice around the House of Allah, that is the House of the people according to His laws which are the laws for mankind. Hajj also means message. It is the message of how to activate our constitution, Quran, in action. The message of unity in uniformity of clothing (2 pieces of white material ) while in the boundary of the House and obedient to the law of the House. The message of one law in the House and around that law as one family together. Arafa Day - Muslims are one. Their geographical differences are for their identity. In Islam our borders are open to each other. We live on the land of Allah. We are one Umma with different languages and race. No matter who we are, we recognize Allah as our means of sustenance on earth as Arafa means recognition of this fact. Arafat is the name of the desert and day of Arafa is the ninth day of the month of Zul-Hajja, the day that everyone meets at this desert only to see each other, to live together a day to recognize each other as Arafa means to know - to be acquainted with Allah in being with each other. It is the place of every Muslim in the simple clothing of two pieces of white material. We know each other with the name of "Hajj" or one who is intending, not by title or rank. It is the land of equality, no boundary but different nations. No restriction of moving from one part to another. All the nations are brothers and are together in this vast desert. In the end of the day of Arafa, we all move to the valley of Muzdalifa or Mash'ar (awareness). If in the vast desert of Arafat we were separated and each group and nationality were by themselves, the valley of Mash'ar brings everyone together because we are in Mash'ar (awareness) . The night of Mash'ar is to pick up war materials (stones) so you can attack at dawn. We stay behind the boundary of Mina and pick up small stones or pebbles for each battle with Satan. You will need 7 stones for at least seven attacks on each evil or a total of 49 stones. Hajj gives us a lesson of unity and togetherness and confrontation against evils and those who are against the unity of mankind. We can be united if we come together in Arafat (recognition) and reject evils in Mina and follow the law of Allah in Mecca as the rejection of any Deity is required to achieve Allah's will. The reality we see is that Muslims are one "Ummah" and one nation with different languages and cultures and from different races and boundaries. In this desert, Muslims are neighbors to each other and spend a full day together as the World of Islam is one. We are not divided and the line of Allah is extended to hold firm on it and be not divided. The "Dzikr" and the words prayer chanted by different groups of races makes you of them. They may not speak your language but it shows and express clearly that the Quran is our constitution and the tradition of our beloved Prophet is our way of life. Eidul Adha - Following the day of Hajj or Pilgrimage (9th of Thw al-Hijjah), it comes the Eidul Adha day. It begins from the 10th of the 12th month of Islamic lunar calendar. This is the second main annual festival in Islam. On this day, like on the Eidul Fitr celebration, festivities begin with a prayer service held in an open place in the morning of the first day. This prayer is usually attended by a large number of Muslims. Since this festival occurs immediately after the Day of Pilgrimage, those who go to make pilgrimage celebrate it in Mina, near Makkah. Other Muslims around the world also join with the pilgrims in their joy and thanksgiving. One significance of Eidul Adha is that it is a time of sacrifice. Muslims commemorate Prophet Abraham's willingness to sacrifice everything for Allah including his beloved son, Ismael. Since Allah gave Prophet Abraham a lamb to sacrifice instead of sacrificing his son, Muslims also offer the sacrifice of animals. The sacrifice can be done after the prayer on the 10th until 12th day of Thw al-Hijjah month before sunset. The meat of the animals is given to needy people and friends and a portion of it is also kept for one's own consumption. Often people cook this meat during holidays, make feasts and enjoy the celebration.
