In western countries, such as ours, there is a growing social and religious integration between the Muslims and the non-Muslims.
Muslims, today, are fusing their Islamic culture with that of the Kuffar. This absorbance of cultures has been achieved to
such an extent that some Muslims have even abandoned their very own pristine and pure culture. They are unable to differentiate
between what is right and wrong. Christmas, Mother's Day, Father's Day and Valentine's Day - festivals that are most widely
celebrated by non-Muslims - are now being accepted and celebrated by Muslims.
Many unwary or perhaps ignorant Muslims support these festivals in some form or other - either actively or passively. Supporting
the cause of Kufr in any way is a heinous crime and a direct onslaught against Islam and everything that it stands for. Islamic
scholars have repeatedly written that any form of activity that is closely related to the manners of the Kuffar is a stepping
stone to Kufr, and thus, prohibited in Islam.
"Mother's day" and "Father's Day" have become symbols of the Kuffar. In fact, these are the only days that the Kuffar decide
to visit their parents! "Valentine's Day" encourages pre-marital relationships which is freely and widely practised by the
West. Christmas, the day on which Christians believe that Nabi Isa (alaihis salaam) was born, is nothing more than
a weekend of lust, pleasure and drinking. On these days, cards are exchanged, dinners are eaten, alcohol is consumed excessively,
money is spent wildly, dancing and singing takes place and all sorts of lustful and sexual relationships are carried out.
These days have also become synonymous to great economic activity as huge amounts of money are spent on advertisements
and gifts. This is evident from the sudden economic boom that is experienced before these days are actually celebrated. Many
Muslim businessmen tend to decorate their shops in the same way as their non-Muslim counterparts do. Whether this is done
to increase the sales or merely as a formality is strictly not permissable. Anyway, it is a sheer waste of hard-earned money.
This is condemned in the Holy Quran as Muslims are reminded time and again not to waste their wealth in unlawful activities.
The Holy Quran says: "And act not wastefully (i.e. unproductively). Lo! He approves not the wasters." (6:141)
The Holy Quran and Ahadith sternly cautions us against emulating the Kuffar. The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sallal laahu
alaihi wasallam) has said: "Whomsoever emulates a nation is of them." (Abu Dawud) From this Hadith we deduce
that emulating the Kuffar is Haraam (totally prohibited) in regards to religious and social habits which are confined to them
Many Muslims assert that since the non-Muslims send cards to us on days of Eid, we, are compelled by courtesy to acknowledge
this by sending cards to them on their festive days. However, this assertion is totally misfounded and against the spirit
of Islam. We are not compelled to be subservient to the "courteous" gestures of others. Islam is a code of life and has undoubtedly
shown us the correct etiquettes and manners for every occasion. It teaches us every facet of moral behaviour in regard to
Muslims and non-Muslims. Thus, to borrow these anti-Islamic trait from the Kuffar is not sanctioned by Islam.
In Islam, Muslims do not need specific days to remind them of the obligations they have towards parents and loved ones,
that is, loved ones who fall within the confines of what the Shariah prescribes. Muslims are warned not to indulge in illicit
sexual activities, drink alcohol, behave indecently in public, sing and dance, waste money, etc.
So, it is clear that the celebration of these days are not sanctioned by Islam and that these are purely Kuffar festivals
not approved of by Islam. Many are under the false notion that while retaining the basic tenets and teachings of Islam, adoption
of a few non-Muslim modes of life would not do any harm. Almighty Allah says in the Holy Quran: " ... and follow not the
lusts (of thy heart) that it deceives you from the Way of Allah. Lo! those who wander from the Way of Allah have an awful
doom, for as much as they forget the Day of Reckoning." (38:26) |