This great spiritual guide, saint and mystic was the Caliph of Hazrat Shaikh Fariduddin
Ganje Shakar (radi Allahu anhu). He was born in Badaun on 27th Safar 636 A.H. (1238 A.D.) His name was Muhammad bin Ali Bukhari
and his title was "Sultan-ul-Mashaa'ikh" and "Mehbbob-e-Elahi.
India is replete with his blessings and bounties. His grandfather, Hazrat Ali Bukhari,
and maternal grandfather, Hazrat Khwaja Arab (radi Allahu anhuma) came together from Bukhara to Lahore. After staying in Lahore
for a long time, they came to Badaun and made their permanent stay there. His father, Hazrat Khwaja Ahmed (radi Allahu anhu)
passed away right in his childhood and was buried in Badaun.
When Sheikh Nizaamuddin Awliya (radi Allahu anhu) came of age for studies,
his mother got him admitted to a madressa, where he read the Holy Qur'an and other religious books. From Badaun, he went to
Delhi in search of knowledge and learnt "Hariri," a noted book in Arabic, and took lessons in Hadith. He was then 2O. Then,
he left to meet Sheikh Fariduddin (radi Allahu anhu) and learnt from him the art of recitation of the Holy Qur'an with six
parts, six chapters of "Awarif," preface to Abu Shakoor Salmi and some other books.
When the lessons came to an end, Sheikh Nizaamuddin Awliya (radi Allahu
anhu) asked his master and guide whether he should continue with the acquisition of learning any more or be engaged in worships
and functions. He said: "I never forbid anybody from receiving education; hence, do both of them at the same time and see
which excels which; and for a mystic, knowledge is also necessary."
It is narrated that once Hazrat Nizaamuddin (radi Allahu anhu) appeared
before Hazrat Baba Fariduddin (radi Allahu anhu) for the first time and Hazrat Baba Saheb (radi Allahu anhu) recited a Persian
couplet, which had the illusion to "Mehbbob-e-Subhani" (Beloved of Allah). Hazrat Baba Saheb (radi Allahu anhu) had seen something
on the forehead of Hazrat Nizaamuddin Awliya (radi Allahu anhu). When the Mureeds enquired the reason of reciting the particular
couplet, Hazrat Baba Fariduddin (radi Allahu anhu) said: "There has been a standing prophecy in our Chistiya Silsila of Sufis
that there would appear a spiritual successor bearing the title of 'Mehboob-e-Subhani' in our Order. I see that prophetic
light on the forehead of Hazrat Nizaamuddin."
After receiving the blessing of Caliphate, Sheikh Nizaamuddin (radii
Allah Ann) went to Delhi. However, he went to Perk Pattern thrice during the lifetime of his guide and mentor, Sheikh Fariduddin
(radi Allahu anhu). But Hazrat Nizaamuddin Awliya (radi Allahu anhu) was not present at the time of the final departure of
Sheikh Faired as Sheikh Fariduddin (radi Allahu anhu) was absent on the eve of Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki's (radi Allahu
anhu) departure from this mortal world and Khwaja Qutbuddin (radi Allahu anhu) at the passing away of Sheikh Hazrat Mo'inuddin
Chishti (radi Allahu anhu).
Now Hazrat Khwaja Nizaamuddin (radi Allahu anhu) was attaining the pinnacle
of spiritual status. He was also gaining wide popularity and people in large number would visit him to receive spiritual bounties
from him. The light of spiritualism and mysticism was illuminating the widest possible circle of the humans.
He was now engrossed in spiritual exercises day and night. When he reached
8O he carried his worships and functions to the extreme. He would keep fast without a break. He eat a little while breaking
his fast and took nothing at dawn (Sehri). When his devotees would insist, he said: "Many paupers, destitutes and saints in
mosques and shops are starving. Tell me how could this food go down my throat." Hearing this, the devotees would remove the
Sehri (pre-dawn meal).
There is a narrative from Sheikh Nizaamuddin Awliya (radi Allahu anhu):
"Once I was on board a boat along with my Sheikh. He called me near and said, '"Look! When you go to Delhi keep engaged in
rigid spiritual exercise. Don't sit idle. Observing fast is half the destination and the rest of the workshops like saying
Salaat, performing Hajj, etc. are another half the destination.'"
Once Sheikh Farid (radi Allahu anhu) observed: "I have prayed to Allah
that you will get whatever you beg of Almighty Allah." On another occasion the Sheikh observed: "Nizaamuddin, I have begged
from Allah the worldly power too for you."
It is narrated that Sheikh Fariduddin Ganje Shakar (radi Allahu anhu)
would keep himself alone in his room at night and closed the doors from inside. Thereafter, he would become engaged in exchange
of secrecies. Next morning his face would radiate light of divine intoxication and those who saw him would remark that his
eyes looked reddened.
Hazrat Nizaamuddin (radi Allahu anhu) always observed fast. He used
to eat only half a piece of barley bread with some vegetable soup at the time of Sehri. Sometimes he took rice also in a very
small quantity. Generally, he took his food with the people present and although he himself ate very little but to observe
etiquette and keep company he kept his fingers in the bowl to pretend that he also was eating so that others in the company
may have their own time and full share of a meal. Thousands of people used to get all sorts of new clothes and dresses from
Hazrat Mehboob-e -Illahi (radi Allahu anhu) but his own dress bore conspicuous patches of repair.
Once a few friends of Delhi, out of their curiosity and regard for his
reputation, decided to go and pay their respects to Hazrat Meboob-e-Illahi (radi Allahu anhu). One of them had no faith in
dervishes and refused to accompany them. On the persuasion of his friends, however he agreed to go only to test the Saints
spiritual powers. On their way they bought some sweets and flowers for the Saint but their “faithless” friend
took up some dust and wrapped it in a piece of paper. Upon their arrival, when they placed their sweets and flowers before
the Saint, this “faithless” man also put the wrapper of dust, along with the sweets before the Saint. As the servant
of Hazrat Nizaamuddin (radi Allahu anhu) was removing the sweets, the great Saint, pointing towards the wrapper of dust said:
“Don’t take away this wrapper as it contains some special surma (collyrium) for my eyes.” Surma is often
used as a medicine for preserving the eye-sight in India. The “faithless” man was awfully upset and could not
raise his eyes before Hazrat Mehboob-e-Illahi (radi Allahu anhu). Due to overwhelming shame he became his mureed by falling
at his feet.
A narrative says that 4O days before his final departure Mahboob Subhani
(radi Allahu anhu) did not taste any food. And till the last moments of his life he would ask whether he had offered his Salaat.
On getting a reply that he had already said his Salaat, he would repeat his Salaat. In short, he would say all his Salaats
twice, saying: "I am going, I am going, I am going."
A little before his final departure he called his servant and
asked whether there was something in his store. "If anything is left, I shall be accountable to my Lord for
this," he said. Thereupon, the servant gave away everything, but the food grain meant for the mendicants was left in
the store. At this the Sheikh (radi Allahu anhu) remarked: "Why have you left the dead property? Throw it away too and make
a clean sweep of the store." Thereafter, the servant threw open the doors of the storehouse and people looted all that was
there. In the end, the servants submitted: "What will happen to us after your departure?" "You will be getting enough for
your need from my mausoleum (Mazaar)," he said. "Who will distribute what comes in?"someone asked. "One who keeps himself
deprived of the portion," the Sheikh replied.
At last he left for his eternal abode on Wednesday, 18th Rabi-us-Thaani
72 5 A.H.