Miraculous Birth of Prophet Ishaq (Isaac):
The Prophet Ibrahim had two sons-Prophet Isma'il and Prophet Ishaq (peace be upon them). The Prophet Ishaq (peace
be upon him) was his second son born of Sarah, his wife. When the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) passed through an ordeal
of sacrificing his affectionate son, Prophet Isma'il (peace be upon him) a glad-tidings of the birth of another son, Prophet
Ishaq (peace be upon him) was conveyed to him. The Holy Qur'an says:
"And We gave him the tiding
of the birth of Ishaq, a prophet among the righteous." (37: 112)
The Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) had
attained the age of one hundred years and Sarah was ninety. They had practically lost all hope of having an issue at this
advanced age when the angel came to Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him)with the happy news of the birth of a wise son, his
wife laughed and did not believe it. She remarked that she had passed the age and now it was simply a folly to expect a child.
Qur'an tells us how this news was imparted to the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and his wife:
his wife standing by, laughed when We gave her good tidings (of the birth) of Ishaq and after Ishaq of Ya'qub (Jacob). She
said: Oh, Woe is me! Shall I bear a child when I am an old woman and this my husband is an old man? Lo! this is a strange
thing. They said: wonder thou at the Commandment of Allah ? The mercy of Allah and His blessings be upon you, 0' people of
the House! Lo! He is Owner of Praise, Owner of Glory." (11: 71-73)
The Prophet Ishaq (peace be upon him) was
born as God willed. He was the chosen servant of God and his descendants were men of high spiritual rank and character. He
was inspired to do noble deeds and establish right warship. He was generous at heart.
Marriage and Death: The Prophet
Ishaq (peace be upon him) was married to Rebecca when he was forty years old. His wife gave birth to Esau and Ya'qub. When
the Prophet Ishaq (peace be upon him) grew old he lost his eye-sight. He passed away` at Hebron at the age of 180 years. He
was buried beside his father and mother. |